Ethics and Leadership

In leadership we see morality magnified, and that is why the study of ethics is fundamental to our understanding of leadership.” ~ Dr. Joanne Ciulla

High-profile scandals have made the need for improved ethics education, for both current and future leaders, abundantly clear. Leadership theory and research strongly supports the importance of ethics, as indicated below. Leadership theory often mentions “positive change”, but what is “positive change”? What counts as “positive change” is too often assumed, however when we look at the national news “positive change” is often hotly debated (e.g. immigration). Ethics, or moral philosophy, is a field that has been focused on this question for thousands of years and has a lot to teach us about positive change and leadership. However, there is also new cutting-edge research in the field of Behavioral Ethics which infuses a lot of research from psychology and sociology, and can inform and inspire our work.