Discover our curated Resource Library, a collection of books designed to inspire and empower college students. Focused on leadership, identity, and global coalition-building, these resources provide invaluable insights to help you create a legacy of positive change. Whether you're looking to strengthen your leadership skills, explore your identity, or learn how to collaborate across cultures, our library offers the tools and knowledge to shape a brighter, more impactful future.
Below is a list of leadership books we have available in our resource library located in The Hub, Room 2400. Feel free to stop by our office to review any of our resources. At this time, we do not allow for books to be “checked out”, but you are welcome to browse or make copies of any of the materials we have. We are located in The Hub, Room 2400. Our office hours are 9:00am-5:00pm.
- 201 Icebreakers, By: Edie West
- A Whole New Mind (Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future), By: Daniel H. Pink
- Aikido and the New Warrior, By: Richard Strozzi Heckler
- Appreciative Intelligence, By: Tojo Thatchenkery and Carol Metzker
- Assessment in Student Affairs, M.Lee and John H. Schuh
- BAD Leadership, By: Barbara Kellerman
- Being Human at Work, By: Richard Strozzi- Heckler
- Blink, By: Malcolm Gladwell
- CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education, 6th edition
- Dogbert’s Top Secret Management Handbook, By: Scott Adams
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us), By: Daniel H Pink
- Emergent models of global leadership, International leadership association (2copies)
- Emotional Intelligence, By: Daniel Goleman
- Encouraging the Heart, James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- Exploring Leadership, By: Susan Komives, Nance Lucas, and Timothy McMahon
- Fish for Life: A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams, By: Stephen C, Lundin, John Christensen & Harry Paul
- Fish Sticks: A remarkable way to adapt to changing times and keep your work fresh, By: Stephen C. Lundin, John Christensen and Harry Paul
- Fish! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results, By: Stephen C, Lundin & Harry Paul, and John Christensen
- Gifts Differing, By: Isabel Briggs Myers and Peter B. Myers
- Good to Great, By: Jim Collins
- Handbook for Student Leadership Programs, By: Susan Komives, John Dugan, Julie Owens, Craig Slack, and Wendy Wagner
- How Full is Your Bucket? By: Tom Rath and Donald O Clifton
- In Search of the Warrior Spirit, By: Richard Strozzi-Heckler
- Journal About Women in Higher Education, volume 1, NASPA
- Latinos in College: Your Guide to Success, By: Mariela Dabbah
- Leadership for the Twenty-First Century, By: Joseph Rost
- Leadership on the Line, By: Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky
- Leadership Without Easy Answers, By: Ronald Heifetz
- Leadership, By: James MacGregor Burns
- Leading in a Culture of Change, By: Daniel Denison, Robert Hooijberg, Nancey Lane, and Colleen Lief
- Management of the Absurd, By: Richard Farson
- Mosaic (a journal of original research on multicultural education, teaching, and learning), volume 2, issue 1
- Movie Clips that Teach and Train, By: Becky Pike Pluth
- My Freshmen Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, By: Rebekah Nathan
- Outliers, By: Malcom Gladwell
- Practical Problems in Organizations: Cases in Leadership, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources, Clawson
- Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers, By: Brian Cole Miller
- Ready-to-use Conflict Resolution Activities for Secondary Students, By: Ruth Perlstein and Gloria Thrall
- Schools of Fish, By: Philip Strand, John Christensen, and Andy Halper
- Shape up your program! Tips, teases & thoughts for type trainers, By: Margaret U. Fields and Jean B. Reid
- Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams and Why People Follow, By: Tom Rath and Barry Conchie
- Strengths Finder, By: Tom Rath
- StrengthsQuest, By: Donald O Clifton, Edward “chip” Anderson with Laurie A. Schreiner
- Team Challenges, By: Kris Bordessa
- Team-Building Activities for Every Group, By: Alanna Jones
- Teambuilding with Teens, By: Mariam Macgregor
- The 5 levels of Leadership, By: John C. Maxwell
- The Allure of Toxic Leaders (Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians- and How We Can Survive Them), By: Jean Lipman-Blumen
- The Anatomy of Change, By: Richard Strozzi Heckler
- The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games, By: Mary Scannell
- The Big Book of Icebreakers, By: Edie West
- The Big Book of Leadership Games, By: Vasudha Deming
- The Big Book of Team-Motivating Games, By: Mary Scannell and Edward Scannell
- The Leader Who Had No Title (A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life), By: Robin Sharma
- The Leadership Challenge 4th edition, By: James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- The Leadership Challenge Workbook, By: James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- The Leadership Training Activity Book, By: Hart Waisman
- The Student Leadership Challenge, By: James Kouzes and Barry Posner
- The Wednesday Letters, By: Jason F. Wright
- The World’s Greatest Paper Airplane and Toy Book, By: Keith Laux
- Transitions to Mason, Chalker & McGuire
- Well being, By: Tom Rath and Jim Harter